- The amount of 'F' bombs dropped was about what was expected. Torts, Avery, everyone was dropping it everywhere in every situation. That is the sport of hockey people. It can not be contained by censors.
- Ilya Bryzgalov stole the show, without a doubt. It began with his rant about being traded to the Flyers, and moved into him becoming a modern day Socrates and discussed the universe. Later on in the episode, he was handed a bottle of Russian alcohol and proceeded to discuss tigers, which lead to the sparking thought many fans like me had which was "why you heff to kill tigers?". Bryzgalov needs either more airtime, or his own TV show. Or, he needs retire and just be a philosopher. His wisdom is unsurpassed.
- The crazed Jaromir Jagr fan had me rolling on the floor laughing. ROFL'ing as the kids say these days.
- Ryan Callahan's meeting with his grandmother after the game in Buffalo was the most heartwarming thing the world has ever created, and if you did not get watery eyes watching it you are a soulless human being and will never know the true meaning of life, success or happiness.
- It was unfortunate to see, but in the matter of one episode, audiences witnessed two concussions happen. One to Michael Sauer of the Rangers, and one to Claude Giroux of the Flyers. There has been a lot of talk going on around the NHL about concussions, and what should be done about it. I can only hope that the league was watching this episode, and it serves as a spark to finally gear up and do something about this. This is a dangerous injury that plagues the league, and I hope something is done soon before more players are affected.
- Being able to watch the Artem Anisimov gun celebration again shed some new light on the moment that helped me understand what really went on. HEaring the refs consult with Tortorella, and hearing the chatter in the penalty box was a very unique experience to see for such a complicated situation it was.
- The Flyers listen to Mac Miller when they win games, which makes them the best team in the league, with the worst music taste.
- It's always nice seeing the players participating in charity events. Wayne Simmonds, Brandon Prust, Brian Boyle, and Henrik Lundqvist were all shown hanging out with kids for a day. It was awesome to see that these players are not just good athletes, but good people as well.
- Sean Avery's first line of the show was "You f***in' loser!". Did anyone honestly see anything else being his first line?
- Watching coach Tortorella get on Gaborik during the Buffalo game for not doing his part really opened my eyes. Gaborik was criticized a lot about his performance last year, and how he did not make that big of an impact that the team needed, and that drew many fans to his ire. Watching Torts motivate him, and then seeing Gaborik score in the same game was poetic. It shows just what Tortorella believes to be Gaborik's potential, and he will do nothing short of pushing him onto the ice to achieve his true potential we all know he has.
I personally cannot wait for next weeks episode. I plan on DVRing all of them and watching all of them multiple times. Check back in next Wednesday for another analysis of the second episode of HBO's 24/7: Rangers/Flyers here on The New York Rangers Clinic!
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