As stated before, this drew mixed emotions from fans. Some were happy to see the pest gone (needless to say, that majority wasn't Rangers fans), and some were truly upset because they loved Averys antics (me included).
What Rangers fans need to understand is this: this team has a new focus, and a new attitude going into games. They play every night as hard as they can, and truly don't need a distraction in their midst right now. As much as it pains me to admit it, yes, there are more upsides to this deal than downsides.
Lets look at the stats, shall we? Last season, Avery accumulated only three goals, but managed just over 20 assists for a total of 24 points on the season, along with one extra one in the playoffs. Christensen on the other hand, had 11 goals, and 16 assists for a total of 27 points, along with one other goal in the playoffs. So stat wise, the Rangers would be losing the same exact thing with either player had they decided to drop Christensen instead. Now, lets look at penalty minutes. Christensen had a meager 18 penalty minutes on the season. How many did Sir Avery have? 174. Avery almost spent three entire games worth in the penalty box.
Keep in mind, the Rangers did not have a bad penalty-kill last year, but still, those penalties are not what they use to mean. Back in the day, Sean Avery's stunts would get under an opponents skin so much, it would alter the course of the game. Now, Avery is a neutered version of what he once was in Tortorellas system, and it does not help the Rangers to be taking that many penalties.

Me personally, I would hate to see Avery go. Avery has made me laugh on more than one occasion, and I probably will still like him if he does go to another team. But if this is the last time I ever see Sean, I would like to say thanks for the memories, buddy. Goons are a dime a dozen in this league, but Avery was different, he was our goon. *teardrop*
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